What the hell is this?

Mother Muckraker is an internal newsletter at the now defunct New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc. (NUMMI) in Fremont, CA. The newsletter seeks to debunk the lies and misinformation spread by Toyota and their "company activists"; and more importantly, inform NUMMI union employees about the real reason why Toyota closed their award winning auto plant on April 1, 2010. NUMMI is dead, but Mother Muckraker lives on to serve as a testament to the greedy machinations of Toyota management. Stay tuned for updates.



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Monday, February 15, 2010

Transfer Rights

From: 002 2/3/10

The bargaining committee said they are trying to get that into the agreement, but chances are not good. One person went up to the mic and said he already tried to apply to Texas, but was told that he was "not qualified". Since this is a union plant, Toyota probably does not want union people in their plants who understand the benefits of being in a union. Toyota has fought very hard against the UAW and CAW in their union drives at Kentucky and Ontario.

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